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7 Carpet Cleaning Tips You Need to Know

Did you know that your carpets may be full of dust, mold, and other pollutants? There could be an entire thriving ecosystem lingering within the carpet fibers! 

Keeping your carpets clean is essential. It will keep your household healthier and make your carpets last longer. We're here with a few helpful carpet cleaning tips that can help!

Read on for our top tips. 

1. Vacuum Often

When it comes to carpet care, this is really the #1 tip that anyone can give you. You should vacuum often. Now, "often" won't mean the same thing in every household. 

If you have furry pets, you're going to want to vacuum more often than someone who has no pets at all or only pets without fur. If you have small children, you'll want to vacuum more often than someone who lives alone or only with other adults.

The more foot traffic a room gets, the more often you'll want to vacuum it.

Some people who live in homes with many furry pets, children, or even roommates may want to vacuum at least once per day (though it won't be a full vacuum. Instead, it will be a quick once-over to fluff up the carpet and get rid of any debris that may be lurking in the carpet fibers. 

You can wait to do your "full vacuum" every week or every other week (depending on the needs of your household), but a quick once-over should only take a few minutes.

It might seem time-consuming to vacuum so often, but it will keep your carpets looking fluffy and soft and prevent them from getting too dirty between official "cleaning days." Once you get used to it, it will be second nature, and your carpet will change for the better. 

2. Vacuum At the Right Pace

Speaking of vacuuming for carpet maintenance, make sure you're vacuuming at the right pace. Yes, that's right: the pace matters. 

When it comes to your quick vacuuming sessions, either your daily vacuums or your quick clean-up sessions before having company over, you can go quickly. A quick run around your home with a vacuum is enough to get rid of surface-level dirt and fluff up your carpet quickly. 

When it comes to your "real" vacuuming sessions, however, you want to go slower. Vacuum in slow and careful strokes so you can see the mark the vacuum leaves behind. You may end up going over one spot twice.

This takes longer, but it gets rid of debris that's trapped deep within the carpet and it will make it look fluffier. 

3. Deep-Clean Twice Per Year

Deep cleaning your carpet isn't 100% necessary, but it will make it last longer. Make your old carpets look like new carpets by deep cleaning them.

So how do you do that? 

It's best to use a steam cleaner. You can buy one yourself (they're a good investment if you plan on living in a home with carpets for years to come), or you can rent one. It's common to see steam cleaners or "Rug Doctors" available to rent at grocery stores, and they're pretty affordable. 

Renting is more cost-effective and better for people who know they likely won't have carpets long-term or who don't have room for a steam cleaner. 

Twice per year, move your furniture to the side and run the steam cleaner (after vacuuming, of course). You'll be shocked at how much dirt is in your carpets! 

You can do this more often than twice per year, but for most people, twice is enough. 

4. Consider Hiring a Professional

If you aren't comfortable using a steam cleaner, or if it's been a long time since your last deep clean, you may want to just hire a professional carpet cleaner to help.

They'll make quick work of your dirty carpets, likely for less money than it would cost to get a new steam cleaner. You'll also get a more thorough clean and know that your belongings and carpets are in safe hands. Bonus: professional cleaners are incredibly efficient. 

5. Clean Stains As Soon As Possible

Uh oh, something has spilled on your carpet! Don't let it linger, even if it's something that you don't think will stain. Getting rid of spills and potential stains as soon as possible is key. 

For most spills, you'll need to blot up as much moisture as possible before using your carpet cleaning solution of choice. You may also want to try natural cleaning solutions. 

6. Never Leave Carpets Soaking Wet

When you deep clean your carpets, you might be tempted to try shampooing them or otherwise soaking them with soap and water. This isn't the best idea. 

Shampooing carpets was once a normal way to deep clean them, but it's hard to do it right. If you leave too much moisture in your carpet, it may start to grow mold. 

A steam cleaner is better because it removes most of the moisture. When you're done cleaning, run a fan or open your windows to help your carpets dry. 

7. Avoid Tracking Dirt In 

The first step of carpet maintenance is prevention. Avoid tracking dirt into your carpets to keep them in good condition for as long as possible.  

Start a no-shoes policy indoors, or at least on carpeted floors. Make sure there's a mat to catch dirt when people come inside from outdoors or in the garage. 

There's no way to prevent all dirt from coming inside but do your best. 

Keep These Carpet Cleaning Tips in Mind

These carpet cleaning tips will help you keep your carpet looking and feeling great for years to come. Remember, a clean and well-maintained carpet will last longer! Keeping your carpet clean will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Are you in need of carpet installation? We've got you covered! Contact us today to get a free in-home estimate.