Hardwood floor stain removal from National Floors Direct

How to Remove Stains From Hardwood Floors

Hardwood flooring can cost up to $25 per square foot in your home, which can make it expensive to repair or replace when it is damaged. While hardwood floors are a durable and popular flooring option, it can be difficult to keep stain-free when you have children or pets. 

If you have hardwood floors, learning how to remove stains from hardwood floors can save you hundreds of dollars on repair and replacement. 

Do you want to learn more about removing stains from hardwood floors? Keep reading this guide for the ultimate hardwood floor stain removal tips to keep your floors in pristine condition for years to come. 

Act Fast

The most important thing you can do to protect your wood floors from stains is to act quickly. As soon as you notice a spill, you should clean it up to make the stain removal process easier. 

Many people don't realize that wood flooring is porous. This means that it is easy for liquids to seep into the wood grain and get absorbed, which makes it difficult to remove stains. The longer you leave a stain on your wood floors, the harder it will be to remove. 

Make sure you always act quickly when you notice a stain on your floor!

Identify the Type of Stain

Next, you should identify what type of stain you are dealing with. Different materials have different properties, so identifying the type of stain can help you find the best way to remove it. 

For example, if you have stains from a greasy item, like oil, you should use a natural degreaser to help you remove the stain. 

Avoid Abrasive Scrubbers

When cleaning stains on your hardwood flooring, you need to avoid abrasive scrubbers, like scouring pads or steel wool. While it may be tempting to scrub a stain with something abrasive, this can actually ruin the finish of your flooring. 

This is because it will act like sandpaper and start to remove the top coat and finish on your wood floors. 

Instead, it is best to use a soft cloth or sponge when treating your hardwood stains. 

Use Detergents

Many people think that you need to invest in expensive hardwood floor cleaners to remove stains. However, there are many household cleaners that you can use to remove most stains from your hardwood floors!

Before you buy any expensive stain removers, you should try using detergents in your home. 

Mixing the detergent with cold water works well for ink spills and urines and can quickly remove stains from your hardwood flooring. Because detergents are so gentle, you can feel confident that they will not ruin the finishing of your floor. Plus, it is a safe alternative that doesn't have many harsh chemicals. 

Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is something you can use for many different types of household cleaning and beauty hacks. It is a great option to remove dye stains, especially when combined with vinegar. 

Simply make a mixture of baking soda and vinegar and spread it over the stain. Then, use a rag or a sponge to rub at the stain until it starts to fade. 

Once the stain is completely gone, you can wipe the residue off with a wet cloth. 

Apply Hydrogen Peroxide

Another common trick you can use to get stains out of your hardwood floors is to apply hydrogen peroxide to the area. This is especially helpful for dark, stubborn stains, like wine. 

Hydrogen peroxide is able to pull the stain out of your wood grain. Plus, the acidic properties of hydrogen peroxide help it remove even the toughest stains!

To remove stains with hydrogen peroxide, you should start by soaking a rag in the peroxide. Then, place it on the area with the stains and leave it for several hours. Once the stain is removed, use a clean cloth to get rid of any excess hydrogen peroxide from your floor. 

Try Vinegar

White vinegar is a commonly used product for natural cleaning. Because it is acidic, it will remove dark marks and stains from hardwood floors. Still, you should dilute the vinegar with water before applying it to your flooring!

Simply soak a rag in the mixture and let it soak on the stain for a while before wiping the stain away. 

Prioritize Routine Cleaning

It is also important to realize that the best option for stains on hardwood floors is prevention. Prioritizing routine cleaning can help you keep your floors in good shape while preventing unnecessary staining. 

As was mentioned before, you should clean up spills on your floor as quickly as possible. This will prevent the liquid from getting absorbed into your wood grain. 

Plus, routine cleaning will ensure that your spills and messes are cleaned up as quickly as possible. You should try to make it a habit to wipe up your floors at the end of each day, especially if you have messy children or pets. 

Sand and Refinish

Finally, if the stain is bad enough, it may require you to sand and refinish your hardwood flooring. This can not only help you remove stains, but it can also remove other scratches if the damage is shallow. 

With this method, you can make your flooring look brand new! Plus, you can simply refinish the boards that have damage, rather than the entire floor. 

The only drawback with this stain removal tip is that your refinished floorboards may look shinier and newer than the other boards surrounding them until they get worn out and blend in. 

Need Help Learning How to Remove Stains From Hardwood Floors? 

Although hardwood floors are durable, it can still be easy for them to get stained over time. Following the tips in this hardwood floor stain removal guide can help you learn how to remove stains from hardwood floors naturally without damaging the flooring!

If you are looking for other hardwood floor stain removal tips, National Floors Direct can help! We specialize in flooring installation and know the ins and outs of each type of flooring. 

Contact us today to learn more about our services and to get a free estimate.