Flooring installation in an American home

Vinyl vs Hardwood: How to Choose the Right Flooring for Your Home

Did you know that the average homeowner spends thousands of dollars on new flooring? While carpet needs to be replaced and upgraded every few years, sturdier options can last for several decades when taken care of properly.

If you are looking for flooring that will last longer, then you should consider materials like hardwood and vinyl flooring. Both of these materials are some of the most popular choices due to their strength and durability.

When it comes to vinyl vs. hardwood, you should consider many different factors before making your choice. Each type has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Here are some things to think about when deciding between vinyl and hardwood flooring.


When you renovate your flooring, you will want to spend the least amount of money for the most benefit. From a financial perspective, vinyl is a more suitable choice because it usually costs less per square foot.

The price of vinyl varies because it comes in many different forms, like tile, sheets, or planks. Sheets usually run cheaper because they come with easier installation. However, to mimic the appearance of hardwood, you may want to consider planks.

Another benefit of hardwood is that it offers immediate value. With its cheaper price tag, homeowners can get it installed more quickly. You will not have to wait to save up enough money or figure out your finances beforehand.

Hardwood tends to be more expensive than vinyl, mainly because of the material itself. The installation also involves more labor, which will increase the overall price tag of hardwood flooring.

If you still want to go with hardwood flooring, try to buy it pre-finished. This will bring your bill down significantly and make it much more affordable. Steer clear of the more costly types of hardwood, such as mahogany.


Any flooring that you install will require maintenance, but carpet is fading because many homeowners view it as more trouble than it is worth. With a hard surface like vinyl or hardwood flooring, you can clean up messes easily.

Vinyl has the lowest maintenance requirements. Homeowners who want to keep their vinyl flooring in top shape should simply sweep and mop it regularly. You can also use a vacuum on vinyl material without any problems.

A drawback of vinyl is that it cannot be repaired once damaged. If you end up getting vinyl flooring, you should try to take extra good care of it to avoid the replacement cost.

Hardwood floors are more susceptible to scratches and other types of minor damage. You should regularly sweep your hardwood floors and gently mop them when needed.

One of the main benefits of hardwood is that it can be repaired. Since hardwood can last decades, you can expect to refinish it about once every 10 years. Then you can make any necessary repairs and have it looking as good as new.

Home Value

Hardwood floors are extremely popular right now with home buyers, so having hardwood flooring can increase the value of your home. Many homeowners have even found pristine hardwood flooring underneath old carpet or linoleum.

Vinyl is neutral in terms of home value. It does not add or take away from your home value when it is appraised. It depends on if buyers are looking for genuine hardwood floors or if they want a cheaper option that looks just as nice.

If you plan on selling your home, the value is also determined by how much you care for your flooring. For example, pristine vinyl flooring may add more value to your home. Hardwood flooring that is scuffed and scratched can lower the price tag.


Both vinyl and hardwood flooring have lifespans that can last longer than carpet. If you are thinking about a durable option that will not need to be replaced for a long period of time, either one of these is a great idea.

When taken care of properly, vinyl flooring can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. Some vinyl options have a protective layer that makes it more difficult to scratch.

Hardwood flooring can last many decades when it is taken care of properly. However, you will have to refinish the flooring about once every 10 years. The average lifespan of hardwood flooring is around 20 to 30 years.

The key to extending the lifespan of hardwood flooring is maintenance. Stay on top of polishing your floors and giving them the best treatment. The extra attention can tack on years or even decades to their lifespan, saving you money in the long run.

Environmental Concerns

If you want to go as green as possible with your home choices, then you should consider using hardwood. It is the most natural resource for flooring and wood is a completely renewable material. Hardwood can be recycled if you decide to change flooring options.

Vinyl is not renewable because it is made from a material called polyvinyl chloride, or PVC for short. PVC produces emissions that can be toxic and pollute the air. When you get vinyl flooring, be sure to check the air quality so that your new flooring is not harmful.

Pets and Children

Both of these options are good for children and furry friends. Hard flooring means that cleaning up spills is much easier, so you will not have to worry about soiled carpets.

Vinyl is ideal for noise reduction purposes and is often resistant to stains. However, when damaged, repair is not possible, meaning you will have to take good care of it.

Hardwood is much louder because it does not have a rubber layer. If a furry friend or a child causes damage, you can repair a specific section of flooring.

Vinyl vs. Hardwood: Which is Right for You?

When debating floor types, such as vinyl vs. hardwood, you should not have to worry about which is best for your home. With these factors, you can choose the perfect flooring for your lifestyle.

Want to learn more about flooring options to improve your home? Contact us today for more information or to speak directly with a team member.